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Strolling map
EUR 79,-
Access to all ballrooms, terraces and bars
Access to shows and dance programs
VIP Tickets
EUR 240,–
Reception with exquisite wine tasting
Exclusive VIP lounge, cloakrooms and toilets
Spicy platter & free choice of drinks included
Access to all ballrooms, terraces and bars
Access to the show and dance program
Strauss Ticket
EUR 160,–
Reception with exquisite wine tasting
Reserved table in the central Strauss Hall
Access to all ballrooms, terraces and bars
Access to the show and dance program
Schubert Ticket
EUR 140,-
Reception with exquisite wine tasting
Reserved table in the Schubert Hall
Access to all ballrooms, terraces and bars
Access to the show and dance program
Ball tickets
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